You CAN reclaim your joy as an educator and feel more at peace and productive in your work (and in your life!)

Learn a proven framework to develop your own social and emotional skills… so you can recharge your emotional batteries, think about challenges in an empowering way, and show yourself more compassion, empathy, and care.

You CAN reclaim your joy as an educator and feel more at peace and productive in your work (and in your life!)

Learn a proven framework to develop your own social and emotional skills… so you can recharge your emotional batteries, think about challenges in an empowering way, and show yourself more compassion, empathy, and care.

Are you a teacher, administrator, social worker, or any other school-based professional who feels burned out or lacking in purpose in your job?

Do you feel overwhelmed with student behaviors, day-to-day challenges, or balancing work life and home?

Does it feel like you’re dragging yourself through the day, with little sign of joy left for teaching or your students?

As we all know, education is NOT a profession for the faint of heart…
…and it can be so easy to become overwhelmed with all there is to do, and manage.

Over time, there is a big risk of becoming burned out, jaded, cynical, and just flat-out exhausted.

This might lead you to feel like you don’t want to go to work…
…or don’t have the energy to give your all when you’re there.

It might lead you to feel uninspired, unmotivated, and lacking in fresh ideas and even make you wonder if you should try a different job or career.

And it might lead you to get easily frustrated with students, parents, colleagues, and family members…because you feel overworked, overtaxed, and desperate for some time alone.

You wish you had the time — and the tools — to breathe life back into yourself and your career… and to feel the JOY, passion, creative spark, and purpose you used to feel (and loved).

Yet without a framework or the guidance to reconnect you with that JOY and inspiration, you keep going through the motions, trying to keep the burnout in check, while feeling confused, defeated, and alone.

Are you a teacher, administrator, social worker, or any other school-based professional who feels burned out or lacking in purpose in your job?

Do you feel overwhelmed with student behaviors, day-to-day challenges, or balancing work life and home?

Does it feel like you’re dragging yourself through the day, with little sign of joy left for teaching or your students?

As we all know, education is NOT a profession for the faint of heart…and it can be so easy to become overwhelmed with all there is to do, and manage.

Over time, there is a big risk of becoming burned out, jaded, cynical, and just flat-out exhausted.

This might lead you to feel like you don’t want to go to work…
…or don’t have the energy to give your all when you’re there.

It might lead you to feel uninspired, unmotivated, and lacking in fresh ideas and even make you wonder if you should try a different job or career.

And it might lead you to get easily frustrated with students, parents, colleagues, and family members…because you feel overworked, overtaxed, and desperate for some time alone.

You wish you had the time — and the tools — to breathe life back into yourself and your career… and to feel the JOY, passion, creative spark, and purpose you used to feel (and loved).

Yet without a framework or the guidance to reconnect you with that JOY and inspiration, you keep going through the motions, trying to keep the burnout in check, while feeling confused, defeated, and alone.

Hear this: you’re not alone, and help is here!

There are SO MANY educators — especially in these COVID times — that are hanging on for dear life, trying to manage it ALL while feeling overwhelmed and burned out, and not knowing how to fix it (or even if they can).

Fortunately, there’s something that can dramatically improve your work and the quality of your life that you might even be teaching RIGHT NOW to your students.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL is the systematic process through which we learn how to:

Develop a healthy identity

Manage our emotions

Achieve goals

Show empathy

Establish positive relationships

Make caring and responsible decisions

Hear this: you’re not alone, and help is here!

There are SO MANY educators that are hanging on for dear life, trying to manage it ALL while feeling overwhelmed and burned out, and not knowing how to fix it (or even if they can).

Fortunately, there’s something that can dramatically improve your work and the quality of your life that you might even be teaching RIGHT NOW to your students.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL is the systematic process through which we learn how to:

Develop a healthy 

Manage our 


Show empathy

Establish positive relationships

Make caring and responsible 

Of course we’ve seen the rise of SEL programs in our schools and know how important it is for our students…

…yet the truth is:
It’s just as important for adults!

Of course we’ve seen the rise of SEL programs in our schools and know how important it is for our students…

…yet the truth is:
It’s just as important for adults!

Strong SEL skills are KEY to being able to manage stress, have productive conversations, prioritize your own self-care, make informed decisions, and just generally feel GOOD about yourself and your life.

It doesn’t matter your age, gender, race or ethnicity — or where you live in the world — developing your SEL skills is the ticket to living with more purpose, compassion, and JOY.

But here’s the thing…building strong SEL skills requires three things:
Creating a routine to practice them
Having an effective method or model to follow
And the willingness to “unlearn” what you may know and believe about emotions

Emotions are data

They carry information about what we’re feeling inside and how we respond to the world around us. When we ignore our emotions, we’re missing key information that we need in order to make positive decisions, keep burnout at bay, and navigate challenges — among SO many other things.

Strong SEL skills are KEY to being able to manage stress, have productive conversations, prioritize your own self-care, make informed decisions, and just generally feel GOOD about yourself and your life.

It doesn’t matter your age, gender, race or ethnicity — or where you live in the world — developing your SEL skills is the ticket to living with more purpose, compassion, and JOY.

But here’s the thing…building strong SEL skills requires three things:
Creating a routine to practice them
Having an effective method or model to follow
And the willingness to “unlearn” what you may know and believe about emotions

Emotions are data

They carry information about what we’re feeling inside and how we respond to the world around us. When we ignore our emotions, we’re missing key information that we need in order to make positive decisions, keep burnout at bay, and navigate challenges — among SO many other things.

The good news is…

…there is a proven and highly effective model that can help you tap into the wisdom of your emotions, build strong SEL skills, and begin reclaiming your JOY as an educator and in your life overall!

It’s called the HEART in Mind® Model.

The HEART in Mind Model® incorporates:

Intrapersonal skills
Self-awareness and self-management
Interpersonal skills
Social awareness and relationship building
Cognitive skills
Ethical decision-making

These important skills are represented by the acronym HEART and organized to teach you a developmentally appropriate progression of skill development: 

Honor your emotions
Elect your responses
Apply empathy
Reignite your relationships
Transform with purpose

When you put the HEART in Mind Model into practice, you’ll make the transformative shift from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and burned out to feeling centered, grounded, and inspired.

You’ll become more emotionally organized and regulated…

You’ll feel confident that you can handle the challenges and never-ending tasks on your to-do list…

And you’ll experience more strength, peace, and JOY at school.

I know it may be hard to believe that you can make such a big shift — especially if your level of burnout has become flat-out exhaustion…
…but not only is it possible, it’s 100% doable.

I know this to be true because I’ve experienced the power of applying these HEART skills myself and helped countless fellow educators do the same.

When you put the HEART in Mind Model into practice, you’ll make the transformative shift from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and burned out to feeling centered, grounded, and inspired.

You’ll become more emotionally organized and regulated…

You’ll feel confident that you can handle the challenges and never-ending tasks on your to-do list…

And you’ll experience more strength, peace, and JOY at school.

I know it may be hard to believe that you can make such a big shift — especially if your level of burnout has become flat-out exhaustion…but not only is it possible, it’s 100% doable.

I know this to be true because I’ve experienced the power of applying these HEART skills myself and helped countless fellow educators do the same.

Hi, I’m Dr. Lorea Martínez

I’m the founder of HEART in Mind, a company dedicated to helping schools and organizations integrate Social Emotional Learning in their practices, products, and learning communities. I’ve worked with schools, districts, and organizations to guide SEL implementation efforts, including training teachers and leadership teams, and provided guidance to educational technology and media companies to help them integrate SEL in their products.

I’m also an educator who has worked with children and adults internationally, and I’m a faculty member at Columbia University Teachers College, educating aspiring principals in Emotional Intelligence. I’ve conducted extensive research in the SEL field with a focus on SEL implementation, principals’ Emotional Intelligence, teacher preparation, and school climate.

Hi, I’m Dr. Lorea Martínez

I’m the founder of HEART in Mind, a company dedicated to helping schools and organizations integrate Social Emotional Learning in their practices, products, and learning communities. I’ve worked with schools, districts, and organizations to guide SEL implementation efforts, including training teachers and leadership teams, and provided guidance to educational technology and media companies to help them integrate SEL in their products.

I’m also an educator who has worked with children and adults internationally, and I’m a faculty member at Columbia University Teachers College, educating aspiring principals in Emotional Intelligence. I’ve conducted extensive research in the SEL field with a focus on SEL implementation, principals’ Emotional Intelligence, teacher preparation, and school climate.
While obtaining my Doctor of Philosophy in Quality and Innovation in Education from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, I was awarded the American Education Research Association Graduate Student Award for Excellence in SEL Research from the SEL Special Interest Group. Having started my career as a special education teacher and administrator, I intimately understand the challenges you’re facing and the feelings you’re experiencing in your work.

That awareness and understanding is what helped me realize, after 10 years working in the SEL field, that there was one key aspect that many schools trying to do SEL were missing: supporting ADULTS in developing their own social and emotional skills!

The truth is, most of us didn’t go to a school that taught us how to regulate our emotions or be assertive, while also showing compassion. I certainly didn’t. Instead, I had to learn these essential life skills through trial and error…and I made a LOT of errors!
It’s one of the main reasons I became so passionate about helping adults build these skills, and led me to develop a framework called the HEART in Mind Model, as well as write a book for educators called, Teaching with the HEART in Mind: A Complete Educator’s Guide to Social Emotional Learning.

Since creating the HEART in Mind Model, I’ve helped — and watched — thousands of educators use it to develop their social and emotional skills and reclaim more peace and joy in their jobs and in careers.

My mission now is to help YOU do the same, and to provide yourself with a space to reflect on your own social and emotional skills, and learn and practice new tools that can transform your life.


Growing Your HEART Skills

Growing Your HEART Skills is a 7-module online course that will teach you the HEART in Mind Model and help you develop your social and emotional capacity so that you can reclaim your joy for education, become a better educator, and live your entire life with more compassion, empathy, and peace.


Growing Your HEART Skills

Growing Your HEART Skills is a 7-module online course that will teach you the HEART in Mind Model and help you develop your social and emotional capacity so that you can reclaim your joy for education, become a better educator, and live your entire life with more compassion, empathy, and peace.

As part of Growing Your HEART Skills, you’ll receive:

7 Learning Modules

That will teach you the five HEART skills step-by-step

14 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your work and life

As part of Growing Your HEART Skills, you’ll receive:

7 Learning Modules

That will teach you the five HEART skills step-by-step

14 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your work and life

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you’ll learn and explore in each module of Growing Your HEART Skills…

Module One:

Introducing the HEART in Mind Model

We’ll kick off the course with an overview of the HEART in Mind Model. You’ll learn why it’s important for adults to cultivate their social and emotional skills, and then get a solid introduction to each of the five essential social and emotional skills that are in the HEART in Mind Model. By the end of this module, you’ll have the background knowledge you need to dive into the substance of the course.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Self-Assessment of HEART Skills that will help you assess your own social and emotional skills as well as receive individualized feedback as to how developed they currently are, including a score for each skill in the HEART in Mind Model
  • HEART Reference Sheet that provides a one-page integration of the HEART in Mind Model and all the tools you will be learning in this course

Module Two:

Honor Your Emotions

In Module Two, we’ll discuss the “H” in the HEART in Mind Model: Honoring Your Emotions. We’ll cover the importance of emotional mastery, and how emotions are data that you can use to successfully make good decisions, build healthy relationships, and feel good about yourself and your life. Then, you’ll learn how to name emotions, interpret emotions, and how to communicate them effectively. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to honor your emotions more intentionally — and talk about them, too.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • 5 Steps to Manage Emotions Exercise that will help you practice how to honor your emotions successfully in everyday situations
  • Iceberg Exercise that will help you reflect on a recent situation at school or at home that didn’t go so well so that you can identify the feelings “underwater”, the meaning of those feelings, and how you could have communicated those emotions to support your goals

Module Three:

Electing Your Responses

In Module Three, we’ll discuss the “E” in the HEART in Mind Model: Electing Your Responses. You’ll learn that you have a choice in how you respond to situations and in who you want to be through those responses. You’ll also learn how to manage emotions and identify triggers and patterns, as well as how to reframe challenging situations with optimism. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to navigate difficult emotions and generate alternative solutions to problems.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Managing Emotions Quick Reference Guide that provides a one-page summary of how to manage your emotions
  • Reframing with Optimism Exercise that helps you practice taking a recent challenging situation and reframing it with optimism
  • Identifying Triggers and Patterns Exercise that helps you practice identifying your own triggers and patterns, and finding alternative solutions

Module Four:

Apply Empathy

In Module Four, we’ll tackle the “A” in the HEART in Mind Model: Applying Empathy. We’ll discuss the importance of shifting from a “me” perspective to a “we” perspective. Then, we’ll discuss the three types of empathy, as well as talk about how to handle the issue of compassion fatigue. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to understand the emotions of others and apply compassion toward yourself and other people.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Empathy Iceberg Exercise that helps you practice what you learned in Module 2 about identifying emotions and add your insights about the emotions of others
  • Self-Compassion Pause that helps you identify how you treat yourself when you make a mistake, so you can incorporate more compassionate alternatives into your life

Module Five:

Reignite Your Relationships

In Module Five, we’ll talk about the “R” in the HEART in Mind Model: Reigniting Your Relationships. You’ll learn about how to nurture positive relationships, and then explore your current effectiveness as a communicator. You’ll also learn tools to productively solve conflict, as well as identify your trustworthiness level when you’re collaborating with others. By the end of this module, you’ll have reflected on your communication and conflict resolution styles and gain tools to work cooperatively in diverse settings.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • 4 Strands of Effective Communication that helps you identify how you currently use 4 key elements to become an effective communicator
  • Conflict Reflection Tool that helps you reflect on a recent conflict and use HEART leading questions to find a path forward

Module Six:

Transform with Purpose

In Module Six, we’ll discuss the last component of our model: Transforming with Purpose. We’ll discuss the concept of purpose and the importance of finding your “why”. You’ll then learn a three-step process to identify your own purpose. You’ll also learn common roadblocks that you should keep in mind. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to clarify your purpose and identify steps to live a more purposeful life.

In this module we’ll use the following tool:

  • Identifying Your Purpose Guide that helps you put into practice the three-step process to clarify your purpose and reflect on its alignment with your daily choices

Module Seven:

Integrating the HEART

In our final module, we’ll put all of the pieces of our model together, and discuss how you can share this work with your students and colleagues. We’ll also take time to set goals that will help you roll out your HEART skills consistently so that you continue to build them over time.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Post Course Assessment that will help you assess your social and emotional skills now that the course is over
  • HEART Skills Goal Planner that will help you set new goals for yourself

Growing Your HEART Skills is already PACKED with value that will help you develop your social and emotional capacity, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUS…

Creating a HEART Smart 

Create a doable and sustainable plan 
to support yourself moving forward.

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you’ll learn and explore in each module of Growing Your HEART Skills…

Module One:

Introducing the HEART in Mind Model

We’ll kick off the course with an overview of the HEART in Mind Model. You’ll learn why it’s important for adults to cultivate their social and emotional skills, and then get a solid introduction to each of the five essential social and emotional skills that are in the HEART in Mind Model. By the end of this module, you’ll have the background knowledge you need to dive into the substance of the course.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Self-Assessment of HEART Skills that will help you assess your own social and emotional skills as well as receive individualized feedback as to how developed they currently are, including a score for each skill in the HEART in Mind Model
  • HEART Reference Sheet that provides a one-page integration of the HEART in Mind Model and all the tools you will be learning in this course

Module Two:

Honor Your Emotions

In Module Two, we’ll discuss the “H” in the HEART in Mind Model: Honoring Your Emotions. We’ll cover the importance of emotional mastery, and how emotions are data that you can use to successfully make good decisions, build healthy relationships, and feel good about yourself and your life. Then, you’ll learn how to name emotions, interpret emotions, and how to communicate them effectively. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to honor your emotions more intentionally — and talk about them, too.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • 5 Steps to Manage Emotions Exercise that will help you practice how to honor your emotions successfully in everyday situations
  • Iceberg Exercise that will help you reflect on a recent situation at school or at home that didn’t go so well so that you can identify the feelings “underwater”, the meaning of those feelings, and how you could have communicated those emotions to support your goals

Whew — that’s a lot of value!
Need a recap?

Here’s everything included in Growing Your HEART Skills:

7 learning modules

14 actionable tools, worksheets, and exercises, including:

  • Self-Assessment of HEART Skills
  • HEART Reference Sheet
  • 5 Steps to Manage Emotions Exercise
  • Iceberg Exercise
  • Managing Emotions Quick Reference Guide
  • Identifying Triggers and Patterns Quick Reference Guide
  • Reframing with Optimism Exercise
  • Empathy Iceberg Exercise
  • Self-Compassion Pause
  • 4 Strands of Effective Communication
  • Conflict Reflection Tool
  • Identifying Your Purpose Quick Reference Guide
  • Post Course Self-Assessment of HEART Skills
  • HEART Skills Goal Planner

PLUS Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus

You’ll also receive a Certificate of Completion when you’ve completed 
all of the modules and assignments!

Ready to say goodbye to your burnout and overwhelm and
reclaim your joy for education?

No matter what package you purchase, your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!

Choose from one of three options:

Growing Your HEART Skills

You’ll receive:

  • 13 Recorded video modules
  • 14 Tools
  • Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus
  • Certificate of Completion




2 payments of


Growing Your HEART Skills

You’ll receive:

  • 13 Recorded video modules
  • 14 Tools
  • Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus
  • Certificate of Completion
  • PLUS access to the Growing Your HEART Skills online community




2 payments of


Growing Your HEART Skills

You’ll receive:

  • 13 Recorded video modules
  • 14 Tools
  • Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access to the Growing Your HEART Skills online community
  • PLUS 2 group coaching calls with Dr. Martínez




2 payments of


100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gate network

Interested in bringing this to your school or district? 
Looking for 1:1 coaching with Dr. Martínez?

Module Three:

Electing Your Responses

In Module Three, we’ll discuss the “E” in the HEART in Mind Model: Electing Your Responses. You’ll learn that you have a choice in how you respond to situations and in who you want to be through those responses. You’ll also learn how to manage emotions and identify triggers and patterns, as well as how to reframe challenging situations with optimism. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to navigate difficult emotions and generate alternative solutions to problems.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Managing Emotions Quick Reference Guide that provides a one-page summary of how to manage your emotions
  • Identifying Triggers and Patterns Exercise that helps you practice identifying your own triggers and patterns, and finding alternative solutions
  • Reframing with Optimism Exercise that helps you practice taking a recent challenging situation and reframing it with optimism

Module Four:

Apply Empathy

In Module Four, we’ll tackle the “A” in the HEART in Mind Model: Applying Empathy. We’ll discuss the importance of shifting from a “me” perspective to a “we” perspective. Then, we’ll discuss the three types of empathy, as well as talk about how to handle the issue of compassion fatigue. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to understand the emotions of others and apply compassion toward yourself and other people.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Empathy Iceberg Exercise that helps you practice what you learned in Module 2 about identifying emotions and add your insights about the emotions of others
  • Self-Compassion Pause that helps you identify how you treat yourself when you make a mistake, so you can incorporate more compassionate alternatives into your life

Module Five:

Reignite Your Relationships

In Module Five, we’ll talk about the “R” in the HEART in Mind Model: Reigniting Your Relationships. You’ll learn about how to nurture positive relationships, and then explore your current effectiveness as a communicator. You’ll also learn tools to productively solve conflict, as well as identify your trustworthiness level when you’re collaborating with others. By the end of this module, you’ll have reflected on your communication and conflict resolution styles and gain tools to work cooperatively in diverse settings.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • 4 Strands of Effective Communication that helps you identify how you currently use 4 key elements to become an effective communicator
  • Conflict Reflection Tool that helps you reflect on a recent conflict and use HEART leading questions to find a path forward

Module Six:

Transform with Purpose

In Module Six, we’ll discuss the last component of our model: Transforming with Purpose. We’ll discuss the concept of purpose and the importance of finding your “why”. You’ll then learn a three-step process to identify your own purpose. You’ll also learn common roadblocks that you should keep in mind. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to clarify your purpose and identify steps to live a more purposeful life.

In this module we’ll use the following tool:

  • Identifying Your Purpose Guide that helps you put into practice the three-step process to clarify your purpose and reflect on its alignment with your daily choices

Module Seven:

Integrating the HEART

In our final module, we’ll put all of the pieces of our model together, and discuss how you can share this work with your students and colleagues. We’ll also take time to set goals that will help you roll out your HEART skills consistently so that you continue to build them over time.

In this module we’ll use the following tools:

  • Post Course Assessment that will help you assess your social and emotional skills now that the course is over
  • HEART Skills Goal Planner that will help you set new goals for yourself

Growing Your HEART Skills is already PACKED with value that will help you develop your social and emotional capacity, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUS…

Creating a HEART Smart Routine

Create a doable and sustainable plan to support yourself moving forward.

Whew — that’s a lot of value!
Need a recap?

Here’s everything included in Growing Your HEART Skills:

7 learning modules

14 actionable tools, worksheets, and exercises, including:

  • Self-Assessment of HEART Skills
  • HEART Reference Sheet
  • 5 Steps to Manage Emotions Exercise
  • Iceberg Exercise
  • Managing Emotions Quick Reference Guide
  • Identifying Triggers and Patterns Quick Reference Guide
  • Reframing with Optimism Exercise
  • Empathy Iceberg Exercise
  • Self-Compassion Pause
  • 4 Strands of Effective Communication
  • Conflict Reflection Tool
  • Identifying Your Purpose Quick Reference Guide
  • Post Course Self-Assessment of HEART Skills
  • HEART Skills Goal Planner

PLUS Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus

Ready to say goodbye to your burnout and overwhelm and
reclaim your joy for education?

No matter what package you purchase, your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!

Choose from one of three options:

Growing Your HEART Skills

You’ll receive:

  • 13 Recorded video modules
  • 14 Tools
  • Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus
  • Certificate of Completion




2 payments of


Growing Your HEART Skills

You’ll receive:

  • 13 Recorded video modules
  • 14 Tools
  • Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus
  • Certificate of Completion
  • PLUS access to the Growing Your HEART Skills online community




2 payments of


Growing Your HEART Skills

You’ll receive:

  • 13 Recorded video modules
  • 14 Tools
  • Creating a HEART Smart Routine Bonus
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access to the Growing Your HEART Skills online community
  • PLUS 2 group coaching calls with Dr. Lorea




2 payments of


100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gate network

Interested in bringing this to your school or district? 
Looking for 1:1 coaching with Dr. Lorea?


We now know that learning is built on the foundation of positive relationships and interactions with others. In Teaching with the HEART in Mind, Lorea Martinez provides essential guidance to create these relationships by effectively implementing social-emotional learning so all children can feel a sense of belonging and thrive. Anyone who is looking for a practical and research-based guide to strengthen school communities through SEL should read this book.
Linda Darling-Hammond, Ph.D.
President, Learning Policy Institute
Lorea Martínez has created a new tool kit to help build a new, caring, supportive and successful schoolhouse. In Teaching with the HEART in Mind, she shows exactly why and how to put the emotions of the learner and the instructor front and center, to optimize benefits for ALL children!
Maurice Elias, Ph.D.
Director, Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab
Co-author of Boost Emotional Intelligence in Students: 30 Flexible, Research-Based Activities to Build EQ Skills

Dr. Martínez understands and articulates the need to explicitly teach social and emotional skills to students as part of developing the whole child. In the same vein, she emphasizes the significance of educators understanding and strengthening their own social and emotional quotient. HEART skills are universal and can be used by every student and every educator in every classroom. Thank you, Dr. Martínez, for a wonderful resource.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You can dive into the course for the first 14 days and begin to learn the HEART in Mind Model and build stronger social and emotional skills. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 14 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions


When will I have access to the material?


You’ll have immediate access to all 7 modules. You will have forever access to the course materials.


How much time should I set aside per week?


Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete each module.


How do I ask questions or get feedback during the program?


Submit any questions via email to


How do I submit my questions for the QA Group Coaching Calls, if I purchased the coaching package?


Submit any questions for our Group Coaching Calls via email to


How long is the program?


The program has 7 modules.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You can dive into the course for the first 14 days and begin to learn the HEART in Mind Model and build stronger social and emotional skills. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 14 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions


When will I have access to the material?


You’ll have immediate access to all 7 modules. You will have forever access to the course materials.


How much time should I set aside per week?


Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete each module.


How do I ask questions or get feedback during the program?


Submit any questions via email to


How do I submit my questions for the QA Group Coaching Calls, if I purchased the coaching package?


Submit any questions for our Group Coaching Calls via email to


How long is the program?


The program has 7 modules.

Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

There is a more inspired and energized you, just waiting to be set free

Taking the time and effort to build your social emotional skills can do it.

If you’re ready to follow a model to help you develop them and reclaim more purpose and joy in your life…

…then Growing Your HEART Skills was created just for you.

There is a more inspired and energized you, just waiting to be set free

Taking the time and effort to build your social emotional skills can do it.

If you’re ready to follow a model to help you develop them and reclaim more purpose and joy in your life…

…then Growing Your HEART Skills was created just for you.
2024 HEART in Mind | All Rights Reserved.
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